Request a Quote

We are happy to provide a free quote, please give us some information about you or the company and the item you need the work on and what you would like to achieve. One of our experienced team will get back to you with a quote or contact you to discuss the job in more detail.

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    Absolute Blast Location

    302 Gnangara Road
    Landsdale 6065
    Perth, Western Australia

    Opening Hours

    Monday to Friday: 8am - 5pm

    Absolute Blast

    08 9342 1599
    sales @

    Comments from one of our happy clients.

    Professional team and, check out the before and after photos on the website, amazing!


    I had 3 wrought iron gates sand blasted and painted up and they look fantastic.… Read more “Professional work & marvellous service”

    Janette Moss

    Friendly and professional team,

    Burning Fruit

    Brett and Chuck are great to deal with, very professional and efficient service.
